The Ultimate Kronos Group or, more commonly, UKG is a technology company that offers a wide variety of business software solutions. Their UKG Ready platform is one of the leading shift management platforms with users spanning a wide range of sizes and industries.
Shifts can change on weekly or even daily basis. By leveraging Beekeeper's intuitive and mobile optimized Shifts feature, we can put those real time schedules in the hands of your employees with ease.
How does the integration work?
The UKG Ready Shifts integration fetches shifts from UKG and imports them into Beekeeper. All shifts are imported into a single schedule in Beekeeper for which id and name can be configured.
Shifts are fetched for all employees present in the UKG Ready system but only the shifts of employees who have users in Beekeeper are imported into our system. Employees are matched based on their profiles' tenantuserid (or User-ID in the dashboard) property and UKG Ready employee external_id (or External ID in UKG). That means shifts are only imported for employees in Beekeeper who have a tenantuserid that maps to a profile in UKG Ready with the same external_id.
Only shifts from a given time window relative to present time are being imported (max. 30 days can be imported).
Frequency of import
The frequency of running the synchronization can be configured. We recommend making this decision and taking your own scheduling process and number of employees into consideration.
In order to successfully run the integration, a user should be created in UKG Ready with permissions to fetch employees and schedules. A good practice would be to create a dedicated user just for this integration.
Required credentials/parameters:
"username": "john", // UKG username
"password": "supersecretpassword", // UKG password
"apiKey": "very-long-string", // UKG API key
"company": "some-company", // UKG company ID
"scheduleName": "Ukg", // Name of the schedule to be created in Beekeeper
"scheduleId": "ukg", // Id of the schedule to be created
"daysInAdvanceToShiftSync": 29, // How far in the future we want to fetch shifts, in reference to when sync starts
"daysInPastToShiftSync": 0 // How far in the past we want to fetch shifts, in reference to when sync starts
Company name can be found in the menu on the left side > ADMIN (the settings symbol) > Company Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup > Company Info > Company Address section > Company Short Name field
API key can be found in the menu on the left side > ADMIN (the settings symbol) > Company Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup > Login config tab > API Keys section
Final Steps
Request a secure link from your CSM/CSE to share the credentials/parameters to configure the user sync application.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT share this information via email.
For any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to
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