Activation analytics enables you to keep track of employee onboarding progress and better measure their engagement. You can monitor how frequently your employees engage with Beekeeper and identify potential drop-offs in their journey so you can proactively take steps to improve.
Find the ‘Engagement’ tab under analytics.
Click 'Activation’
In this section, you’ll find:
User Activity Summary.
This shows you a summary of the numbers of users who have logged in recently.
Last Login Breakdown
This pie chart displays the breakdown of users who have logged in within the last 24 hours, 1-7 days, 7-14 days and 14-30 days.
Tracking Last User Activity
This graph provides a visual representation of user activity over time, showcasing the number of users based on the duration since their last activity. This information can help you understand patterns, trends, and the overall level of user engagement.
The x-axis, which is labeled "Days since last active," represents the time elapsed since the users last used Beekeeper. The values on the x-axis start from 0 and increase in increments, representing the number of days that have passed since a user's last activity.
The y-axis, labeled "number of users," represents the number of users falling into each count of "Days since last active." Each bar in the graph corresponds to a specific number of days on the x-axis and its height represents the number of users in that category.
Interpreting the graph, you can observe the distribution of user activity over time. The bars on the graph indicate how many users fall into each number of "Days since last active." For example, if there is a tall bar on the left side of the graph, it means that a significant number of users have recently been active. On the other hand, if the bars on the right side of the graph are tall, it suggests that many users have been inactive for a longer period.
User Activation Funnel
This visualization shows you how many of your created users have ever logged in, then how many of these have been active in the past 7 days and the past 24 hours. This can help you to understand if you need to put more effort into getting people activated, engaging people once they have logged in, or getting them to return.
User Group Activity
This table helps you to see at a glance the activity across your different groups.
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